
About Us

The Migrant Resource Centre North West Region (MRC NWR) is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation serving the North-Western regions of Melbourne, including Brimbank, Hume, Moonee Valley, Maribyrnong, Hobsons Bay, and Melton.

Established in 1989, we provide a range of programs that include but not limited to the following services:

We assist individuals and community groups to improve their participation, transition and integration in Australia through:

We are committed to providing consistent high-quality care which supports and strengthens the most vulnerable communities in our society.

MRC NWR is governed by a voluntary management committee and overseen by a senior executive management team along with dedicated staff and volunteers. We are part of a National Network of Migrant Resource Centres and you’ll find other MRC across the country.

Our Vision

The MRC NWR supports an environment where people from diverse cultural backgrounds can participate to their full potential in the life of the Australian community while they are free to maintain their own culture and heritage.

Our Core Values

We value diversity, equality for all, trust, integrity and professionalism. We also believe in collaboration for the benefit of our client group and treating everyone with respect.


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