
Community Projects

Discover The Hub For Community Connection And Information

Delivering a broad range of community projects to meet your needs.

Throughout the year, we are involved in a variety of short-term community projects funded by various government agencies — and partnered with other service agencies — to improve access to services for our migrant and refugee communities.

These projects also create valuable opportunities for building communication, understanding and trust, and often bring people together — creating a healthy, harmonious community and environment.

So, if you’ve got an idea for a community group, or your existing community group could do with a little extra help getting a project off the ground, reach out to us today.  We have a group of dedicated individuals who specialise in community development, groups and projects.

Advocating for the Community

New to Australia? Let us help you access the services you need.

We understand that moving to Australia and transitioning to the way of life here will no doubt be challenging for many different reasons.  These challenges can become barriers that can feel too big and too much.  Part of our role is to help you break down the barriers and start accessing the services to make your transition into Australia that much easier.

We successfully assist migrants and refugees find their way around the various barriers that prevent them from receiving the necessary services.

We also assist community groups toward:

Community Training Program

Large or small, community organisations help to hold our communities together. Emerging community organisations from diverse language and cultural backgrounds provide essential support for newly arrived members trying to adjust to a new culture, language, and lifestyle in Australia.

The Community Training Program supports groups through an experiential-based training program designed to assist new and emergent cultural community groups based in the North West Region to function more effectively in their new country.

MRCNW - Community



“During the lockdown, many of our clients who didn’t use technology joined us for online activities.
Everyone was so happy to socialize and chat with their friends from the group.”


“I can’t wait for Tuesdays! Thank you, Migrant Resource Centre North West Region for doing a fantastic job of keeping us engaged from becoming socially isolated.”



“We got there in the end, thanks to your magnificent work! You deserve the credit where it's due.
Overall great achievement on your behalf.” 


Good news stories:

MRCNW - Community

A client visited the MRC NWR office back in 2019 and shared their personal story of being injured in a car accident that had caused permanent disability.

They needed support and assistance with applying for NDIS services as well as Disability Support Pension (DSP).
After assisting this individual through all the steps necessary to meet eligibility requirements they were successful at receiving both!

“If it weren’t for your help, it would not have been possible. I’d like to express my gratitude for all your support.  Thank you once again.”



Hein came from Vietnam over 10 years ago with very little English.

She enrolled into an AMEP program to study English but decided that she wanted to find
meaningful employment that would fulfill a sense of purpose.

Hein found out about our organization through her studies with an AMEP program and came in to discuss her study options.
While considering leaving the AMEP program because her English had improved, she decided instead to complete the Certificate III in English with MRC NWR along with enrolling in the individual support class.
After completing the course, Hein wanted to learn more and enrolled in the Certificate IV in Disability Support Services along with her English class.
Being a model student, Hein attended the majority of her classes and all of her work placements at MRC NWR.
Hein was offered a position as a Home and Community Care worker after she completed her studies and has since moved on to bigger and better opportunities.

Hein, we're super proud of your efforts and wish all of the best for your future.

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