Disability Services
Empowering People Of All Abilities Through Support and Care
For people with disabilities run by people with disabilities.
Diversity & Disability Program (DnD)
We understand how difficult it can be at times for you and we acknowledge that you are some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
We want to help address your needs by offering a program specifically tailored to disability self-advocacy, known as “The DnD Program”.
The DnD program is a disability self-advocacy program delivered at our St Albans offices. We provide support to people with disabilities who are from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background, regardless of their individual or cultural identities.
We help them achieve their full potential as valued citizens in the community by providing access to resources that promote independence and inclusion. We seek to enhance the freedom, independence, knowledge and opportunities for people with a disability from a CALD background through:
- Self-advocacy skills development in a creative and fun environment
- Connections with CALD communities to create attitudinal change
- Enhanced participation and representation by people from CALD backgrounds in the community
- Engagement with policymakers and decision-makers within the multicultural sector and the disability sector
- Consumer representation at local, regional and national disability forums
The program has eight different support groups that include:
- Women and Men Support Groups
- Creative Writing Group
- Conflict Resolution Group
- Theatre and Acting Group
- Music Therapy Groups
- Art Group
Each group is aimed at generating creative and empowering opportunities for people who are not participating in community activities outside of their disability day services.
Migrant Resource Centre North West region Inc, Melbourne received a $10,000 community grant from Westpac Foundation.
Sutha Kunalan explains more about this on SBS radio's Tamil program. See Diversity & Disability program in Melbourne
Disability Advocacy
Our Disability Advocacy Program provides assistance and support to people with disabilities, their careers and families — from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and having difficulty accessing information and services or have been discriminated against.
Our staff assists such individuals toward:
- Asserting their rights as valued members of society
- Participating in making decisions about their lives.
For more information about our DnD and/or Disability Advocacy program please call our office on (03) 9367 6044
These programs are supported by the Australian Government and funded by the Victorian Department of Health & Human Services.